Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Employability Skills for Higher Education Collaboration Council

Question: Discuss about theEmployability Skills for Higher Education Collaboration Council. Answer: Journal entry 1: Know yourself The content of this paper is a reflection of myself as an individual with an aim to pursue my career. Every individual with the aid of a reflection is able to identify himself and which career direction suitable for him. As an individual with an aim to establish myself and come up with appropriate ways suitable for me and my career (Mason, Williams Cranmer, 2009). Based on my desire to be perfect in my career choice, I have applied Gallup mechanism to identify my strengths and weaknesses. As an individual with an aim to succeed, I have identified five Gallup strengths which will enable me achieve my career aspirations (Precision Consultancy Business, Industry and Higher Education Collaboration Council 2007). Intellection Intellection is one of my strengths which will help me achieve my goals and aspirations in my career choice. As an individual with such strength, I am able to think constructively the love to involve myself with intellectual activities typically makes me introspective there by shaping up my mind towards career success (Mason, Williams and Cranmer 2009). This strength will enable me achieve my aspiration as I will be able to stimulate various ideas crucial for my career development. Deliberative Deliberation is also one of my Gallup strength which has enabled me to make appropriate decisions, get involve in organized discussion and functions. This strength will allow me make wise decisions while moving my career to an elevated point. Consistency Consistency is the art of being persistence in whatever course one is taking without giving up. As an individual am able to remain on the course towards achieving my career aspirations as well as achieving my career desires regardless of challenges. Learner As an individual I possess the ability to grasp and acquire new and relevant knowledge information which can enable me achieve my career aspirations as such knowledge will help me with decision making and career advancement. Responsibility Accepting responsibility is one of the good qualities which most individuals lack in their lives. As one in a pursuit of a perfect career I am able to take responsibility for every action in my career. This will enable me take my career to a higher level as I will work smart towards each reasonability in my field. Journal entry 2: know your sector Commercial awareness has become very crucial in career development regardless of the industry or sector an individual has desires to take venture. Management requires an individual to have knowledge and understanding of the filed as well as other field. Employers over the current years have become keen to that management as well as other employees have understanding and are able to engage people outside the university bubble (Mason, Williams and Cranmer 2009). As an individual, I have acquired knowledge and understanding on my field operation as well as the general industry. I have always switched on and stayed up to date on various issues concerning the industry. Through research and have get to have a knowledge on the lingo, firms within the industry as well as experts in the field. I have a sound point of view on facts about the industry and I will be able to stand out further in future (Overtoom 2010). To increase the knowledge and awareness in my field I have developed towards d oing things myself in order to get some experience. Journal entry 3: Let them know you The degree course offers a general management information and knowledge as well as other skills which I can use to make appropriate analysis and come up with solutions regarding real life management issues and problems (Overtoom 2010). Through learning of the degree on gas an oil management, I will be able to acquire and develop transferable communication skills. Such skills are required through the time given between the course for practical for example, during my in in third year I will be able to acquire and develop transferable communication skills through work placement done by the degree department. The course has also enabled me to acquire data analysis skills as we regularly use big data analysis to make effective decision. Through the study of BSc in oil and gas management one is able to acquire the best management skills, majorly learnt in the final year. For example, during the final year of learning the course, one is equipped with more mature as well as decisive knowledge and skills useful for management career panning (Precision Consultancy Business, Industry and Higher Education Collaboration Council 2007). Such skill are important for me as an individual within the industry as most of the employers within the industry require employees with adverse skills such as those offered in the course (Steven, 2000). Having skills and adequate knowledge on the field creates an advantage when it comes to seeking of employment opportunities and career development. References Mason, G., Williams, G., and Cranmer, S. 2009. Employability skills initiatives in higher education: what effects do they have on graduate labor market outcomes? Education Economics, 17(1), 1-30. Overtoom, C. 2010. Employability Skills: An Update. ERIC Digest No. 220.Fallows, S., and Steven, C. 2010. Building employability skills into the higher education curriculum: A university-wide initiative. Education+ training, 42(2), 75-83. Precision Consultancy Business, Industry and Higher Education Collaboration Council. 2007. Graduate employability skills. Precision Consultancy, Melbourne, Victoria.

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